2nd Training Workshop – Webinar edition!
The consortium of the SUPER-LNG project has the honor to organize the second training workshop on the safety of LNG storage and bunkering at ports to be held via the Microsoft Teams platform on 24 September 2020.
The workshop consists of four main sections:
- Safety reporting and safety management systems at ports with LNG storage.
- Risk assessment methodology for LNG storage and bunkering at ports.
- Consequences assessment of accidental scenarios involving LNG.
- Emergency planning for sites storing LNG.
Please register here.
** To join the Teams live webinar, simply click the link. **
The agenda
Time (CET zone)
Safety reporting and safety management systems at ports with LNG storage
Prof. Marko Gerbec (Institut “Jozef Stefan”, Ljubljana, Slovenia) |
Risk assessment methodology for LNG storage and bunkering at ports
Dr. Olga Aneziris (NCSR “Demokritos”, Athens, Greece) |
Consequences assessment of accidental scenarios involving LNG
Prof. Ernesto Salzano (University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy) |
Emergency planning for sites storing LNG
Francesco Pilo (Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco, Rome, Italy) |