
The objective of this conference is to provide an all-round inspiring environment and a multi-disciplinary forum for the exchange of knowledge and expertise on safety and risk at ports storing and bunkering LNG. The organizers are looking for studies on this topic, thus contributing to the introduction and diffusion of LNG marine fuel. Furthermore, the results of the project entitled SUPER-LNG (SUStainability PERformance of LNG-based maritime mobility), funded by ADRION-Interreg will be presented and promoted.

Interested contributors are kindly requested to submit an extended abstract until July 15th July 31st and send it via e-mail to Please follow the attached author guidelines. Papers presented at the conference will be published in open access conference proceedings.

It is the intention of the special session organizers to edit a special issue on the topic in a high-ranked journal after conference. The authors of high-quality extended abstracts will be invited to submit their full papers for the planned special issue.


Call for Papers 

You can download the call for paper here.



  • Dr. Olga Aneziris (NCSR “Demokritos”, Greece)
  • Dr. Zoe Nivolianitou (NCSR “Demokritos”, Greece)
  • Prof. Ernesto Salzano (University of Bologna, Italy)
  • Dr. Marko Gerbec (JSI, Slovenia)
  • Mr. Dimitris Spyrou (OLP, Greece)
  • Mrs. Ioanna Koromila (NCSR “Demokritos”, Greece)


Tentative topics

  • Liquefied Natural Gas as an alternative marine fuel
  • LNG bunkering in ports
  • Safety and Security issues in LNG bunkering and port areas
  • Emergency response planning for LNG at ports
  • Best practices for bunkering and storage in LNG ports


Important Dates

July 15th, 2019: Extended Abstract Submission

July 31st , 2019: Extended Abstract Submission

October 15th, 2019: Final Paper Due

You can download the template for the submission of the extended abstract here.


Contact Information

Mrs. Ioanna Koromila: