Below is the material presented during the workshop:
- Revithoussa LNG Terminal – Future ss LNG activities and development of new port activities (N. Katsis, DESFA)
- LNG as marine fuel (E. Loverdou, DEPA)
- Poseidon Med II: Paving the way for Safe LNG Bunkering at major Ports in Greece and Cyprus (C. Solomonidis, Rogan Associates SA)
- SUPER-LNG overview and risk assessment at LNG ports (O. Aneziris, NCSR Demokritos)
- Consequence assessment for accidental scenarios involving LNG (E. Salzano, University of Bologna)
- Developed training framework for LNG distribution infrastructure (M. Gerbec, Josef Stefan Institute)
- Risk management for LNG bunkering facilities at ports (G. Chatzisteli, (NTUA)
- Environmental management and the challenge of LNG bunkering in the port of Piraeus (D. Spyrou, Piraeus Port Authority)
- LNG at port of Volos (E. Kostidi, Volos Port Authority)
- Port of Koper case: CFD modelling of LNG spill and dispersion (M. Gerbec, Josef Stefan Institute)