In the links below you will find the presentations of the conference:

  1. Revithoussa LNG Terminal: Safety paradigm & backbone of LNG bunkering supply at ports (N. Battilana)
  2. SUPER-LNG overview and guidelines for LNG Safety in ports (O. Aneziris)
  3. LNG bunkering in Italy and guidelines for Emergency Planning (D. Poggiali)
  4. Developed Training framework for LNG distribution infrastructure (M. Gerbec)
  5. Environmental Management and Use of LNG in the Port of Piraeus (D. Spyrou)
  6. Stakeholders analysis in the design of LNG bunkering facilities at the port of Volos (V. Leopoulos)
  7. LNG storage and transport in the Netherlands (B. Ale)
  8. LNG natural gas demand for ships (S. Livaniou)
  9. Uncertainties in failure rates of LNG bunkering risk assessment (M. Gerbec)
  10. Advanced safety management for LNG-Fuelled fishing vessels  (H. Behnaz)
  11. About the vapour cloud explosion of LNG (E. Salzano)
  12. POSEIDON MED II project ensures a sustainable LNG supply chain in the Eastern Mediterranean (M. Fotiadou)
  13. The key role of large-scale LNG terminals in securing small scale LNG infrastructure effectiveness at ports (J. Florentin)
  14. POSEIDON MED II: SSLNG port infrastructure towards a new era for LNG bunkering in East Med (C. Solomonidis)
  15. POSEIDON MED II: creating a safe passage for LNG bunkering in the Eastern Mediterranean (A. Apostolopoulou)